Call Us: 888-791-9590

Laminated Card and Sign Working Area

We can help you create your custom designs in only 24 hours with NO DIE CHARGE! We require a 0.75″ margins for 11″ × 17″ sheets and 1″ margins for 13″ × 19″ sheets around the material for our unique cutting process and 0.25″ gaps. This gives you a total working area of 9.5″ × 14.5″ on 11″ × 17″ sheets and 11″ × 17″ on 13″ × 19″ sheets (see images below).

laminated card 11 x 17laminated card 13x19

Choose Your Design

Inform us of your design, down to 2 decimal points for Word and other Label and Simple design programs and 3 decimal points for high end graphics and engineering programs. For special shapes please email us your wire frame outline of your shape. Please see our file formats.

  • Circles and Cut-outs

    Any shape you send us can have custom cutouts. No perfs.

    Please Contact us for more information on creative shapes.

  • Choose Your Material

    We currently provide 10 mil, 15 mil, and 30 mil cards and tags. Also available are foam tags and .060″ thick plastic tags and signs.

Questions? We can help! 888-791-9590