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Private Label Digital Laser and Inkjet Labels for Laser & Inkjet Printers


The label is the part of the private label product that allows your company to display your brand. Your art department or designers can design and laser and inkjet print the most intricate designs and artwork, as all of labels are printed using your laser and inkjet printers. All materials used to create your unique label, whether plastic, paper, etc. are of the best grade and quality. This ensures that your label meets the highest standards of the most demanding individual, your customer.

Types of Private Labels

Store brands

This is where the retailers name is very evident on the packaging.

Store Sub-brands

Products where the retailers name is low-key on the packaging.

Umbrella branding

A generic brand independent from the name of the retailers name. Umbrella brands are used in different product categories. Individual brands. Name used in one category, this is only used to promote a “real” discount product line.

Exclusive brands

Again a name used in one category, but to promote ‘added value’ products within the category.

Overall private labels are used to provide products with a lower price. In the USA some private label products are 25% cheaper than the brand leader.

We offer blank or custom printed Inkjet or Laser Printable Private Label Digital Laser and Inkjet Labels any size or shape. Letterpress Printed labels choosing from over 100 materials so you can run Letterpress Printed labels through laser and inkjet printers with no die charge for Short Run Jobs.


This product can be shipped in as little as 24 hours. Please Contact Us for more information.

Questions? We can help! 888-791-9590